Custom Contract Types

Mission Control adds and builds custom contract types into the game. It does this using a builder approach. A json contract type build file defines how the encounter layer should be and behave, then a normal contract .json file interacts with it like normal.

Custom contract types can even be used to create new story contracts, or make much more unique flashpoint missions. It's still a heavy work in progress but more features will be added to it to support great contract creation.

Contract Type Build File

The contract type build files exist in the MissionControl/contractTypeBuilds/ folder. Each file defines how the custom contract type should be built.

"Key": "SoloDuel", // Links to the ContractType Name
"Chunks": [
"Name": "Chunk_PlayerLance",
"Type": "Chunk",
"SubType": "PlayerLance",
"Children": [
"Name": "Spawner_PlayerLance",
"Type": "Spawner",
"SubType": "SimpleSpawner",
"Position": {
"Type": "World", // World, Local
"Value": { "x": -90, "y": 86, "z": 40 }
"Rotation": {
"Type": "World", // World, Local
"Value": { "x": 0, "y": 30, "z": 0 }
"Team": "Player1",
"Guid": "76b654a6-4f2c-4a6f-86e6-d4cf868335fe", // Must be this Guid and the contract .json must have this specific. It's hardcoded in BT for PlayerLance.
"SpawnPoints": 1,
"SpawnPointGuids": ["ec9d2280-ca9a-4d90-8a20-963d8a4c0a39"], // Must match the unit spawn guids in the contract .json
"SpawnType": "Instant" // Leopard, DropPod, Instant
"Name": "Chunk_DestroyWholeLance",
"Type": "Chunk",
"SubType": "DestroyWholeLance",
"Position": {
"Type": "World", // World, Local
"Value": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0 }
"Children": [
"Name": "Lance_Enemy_OpposingForce",
"Type": "Spawner",
"SubType": "SimpleSpawner",
"Position": {
"Type": "World", // World, Local
"Value": { "x": 0, "y": 60, "z": 650 }
"Rotation": {
"Type": "World", // World, Local
"Value": { "x": 0, "y": 180, "z": 0 }
"Team": "Target",
"Guid": "f426f0dc-969d-477d-81a9-d02f9e1eff79", // Must match the spawner guids in the contract .json
"SpawnPoints": 1,
"SpawnPointGuids": ["6cd3107e-0f9d-4809-ab8c-fb30faf4cd80"], // Must match the unit spawn guids in the contract .json
"SpawnType": "Instant" // Leopard, DropPod, Instant
"Name": "Objective_DestroyLance",
"Type": "Objective",
"SubType": "DestroyLance",
"Guid": "a0b9c5b2-c594-4c5a-be1d-028a51c51519", // Must match the objective guid in the contract .json
"ContractObjectiveGuid": "73275787-720a-4c33-9f20-953b1bbf48bd", // Must match the contract guid in the contract .json
"Title": "Destroy the enemy lance",
"Priority": 1,
"IsPrimaryObjective": true,
"LanceToDestroyGuid": "f426f0dc-969d-477d-81a9-d02f9e1eff79"
"Name": "Chunk_EncounterBoundary",
"Type": "Chunk",
"SubType": "EncounterBoundary",
"Children": [
"Name": "EncounterBoundaryRect",
"Type": "Region",
"SubType": "Boundary",
"Position": {
"Type": "World", // World, Local
"Value": { "x": 15, "y": 50, "z": 450 }
"Width": 900,
"Length": 1024
"Name": "Chunk_DefaultDialogue",
"Type": "Chunk",
"SubType": "Dialogue",
"Children": [
"Name": "Dialogue_MissionStart",
"Type": "Dialogue",
"SubType": "Simple",
"Guid": "73df8d9c-a274-48fd-98c9-2bd0d7860e83", // Must match the dialogue guid in the contract .json
"ShowOnlyOnce": true
"Name": "Dialogue_MissionSuccess",
"Type": "Dialogue",
"SubType": "Simple",
"Guid": "4011a4c3-cba2-4d22-b2b3-3b19a3297ab9", // Must match the dialogue guid in the contract .json
"ShowOnlyOnce": true
"Name": "Dialogue_MissionFailure",
"Type": "Dialogue",
"SubType": "Simple",
"Guid": "d3d33d95-9ed7-4686-b9eb-954ebe51cc02", // Must match the dialogue guid in the contract .json
"ShowOnlyOnce": true
"Name": "Chunk_DuelTaunt",
"Type": "Chunk",
"SubType": "Dialogue",
"Children": [
"Name": "Dialogue_DuelTaunt",
"Type": "Dialogue",
"SubType": "Simple",
"Guid": "8971ddc6-a882-4066-923f-f8be03450ce2", // Must match the dialogue guid in the contract .json
"Trigger": "OnFirstContact"
"Name": "Chunk_SwapSpawnerPlacement",
"Type": "Chunk",
"SubType": "Placement",
"ControlledByContract": true,
"Guid": "ed007c52-f4cb-4bfc-842a-a50454d8a82a",
"Children": [
"Name": "SwapPlacement_SwapLanceSpawners",
"Type": "SwapPlacement",
"SubType": "EncounterStructure",
"TargetGuid1": "76b654a6-4f2c-4a6f-86e6-d4cf868335fe", // Player spawner
"TargetGuid2": "f426f0dc-969d-477d-81a9-d02f9e1eff79" // Enemy spawner

A full breakdown explaining the above will be added soon