Camera Focus Result

The CameraFocus result moves the game camera/view to a specific Encounter Object's position. You can specify various positional information with how close and high you want the camera to view the target position.


EncounterGuidtrue-Guid of the target
DistancefalseMediumDistance the camera should be away from the target.

Available properties: Close, Medium, Far.
HeightfalseDefaultHeight the camera should be away from the target.

Available properties: Low, Default, High.
FocusTimefalse-1Length of time in seconds the camera should look at the target.

Values < 0 will use the default in MapLogicConstants.json.
FocusRadiusfalse-1Size of area that should be revealed around the target if fog of war or hidden.

Values < 0 will use the default in MapLogicConstants.json.
IsInterruptfalsetrueWhen true, gameplay is stopped until the FocusTime completes.


"Type": "CameraFocus",
"EncounterGuid": "f5714221-5fc6-41e5-a369-c8aa2b6d1bcf", // Lance_Enemy_OccupyingForce
"Distance": "Close", // Close, Medium, Far
"Height": "Default" // Low, Default, High