Delay Result

The Delay result is a special result. It wraps a list of results to run after a specified delay. The delay can be time-based in seconds, round-based or turn phase-based. This result also supports a flexible logic flow control which allows for executing different results based on a conditional check with SkipIf and ResultsIfSkipped properties.

You can use this flexible logic flow to create some flexible situations, prevent needless waits that Delay might cause if objectives are completed quickly and prevent any Objective softlocks.

This conditional check and execution of 'ResultsIfSkipped' will run regardless of the time delay if the conditional is satisfied. The 'Results' will no longer be run after 'ResultsIfSkipped' is run.


Nametrue-Human readable name for helping the developer follow the flow
Timefalse-1Time in seconds to delay the Results.

This executes immediately when the timelimit is complete activation
Roundsfalse-1Number of rounds to delay the Results activation.

This executes the Results at the OnRoundBegin hook
Phasesfalse-1Number of phases to delay the Results activation.

This executes the Results at the OnPhaseBegin hook
SkipIffalsenullEmbedded Trigger that watches for a condition to be satisifed. If that is satisifed then it will immediately execute the ResultsIfSkipped and the Delay trigger will be marked as complete and no longer execute the Results
Resultstrue-1Array of Results to execute after the Delay time, round or phase period is finished.
ResultsIfSkippedfalsenullTags to add to units



"Type": "Delay",
"Time": 2, // Delay the results by 2 seconds allowing the camera focus to arrive at the specified position
"Results": [
"Type": "SetState",
"EncounterGuid": "38a28d0b-4688-41b5-a9e8-825a55c38c93",
"State": "Active"


Sometimes you want to be more flexible with the logic flow and provide optional situations that can skip some logic flow and take another route. You can achieve this with a combination of SkipIf conditions and ResultsIfSkipped.

Below is an example from the Blackout custom contract type.

If the 'Destroy Invading Lance' objective is completed before the turrets activate
Then immediately activate the enemy turret event for Phase 2 OR just end the game.
This prevents any pauses between destroying the enemy lance and the enemy turrets activating.
It also prevents any Objective soft locks.
"Type": "Delay",
"Name": "Activate 3a Turrets",
"Rounds": 2,
"SkipIf": {
"TriggerOn": "OnObjectiveUpdated",
"Conditionals": [
"Type": "ObjectiveStatusConditional",
"Guid": "bfa3d339-c304-4fba-87db-ac725acb4c10", // Chunk_Stage_Post_3a Destroy Invading Lance
"Status": "Success"
"Results": [
"Type": "SetStateAtRandom",
"EncounterGuids": [
"1fdeca88-c2d9-46af-b443-cf95aae707b6", // Chunk_Stage_Post_3a_Enemy_Turrets
"832ae497-f3d3-467f-b4da-8e95a3d757b0" // Chunk_Stage_Post_3a_Friendly_Turrets
"State": "Active"
"ResultsIfSkipped": [
"Type": "TriggerResultAtRandom",
"Results": [
"Type": "SetState",
"EncounterGuid": "1fdeca88-c2d9-46af-b443-cf95aae707b6", // Chunk_Stage_Post_3a_Enemy_Turrets
"State": "Active"
"Type": "IgnoreChunks",
"EncounterGuids": [
"1fdeca88-c2d9-46af-b443-cf95aae707b6" // Chunk_Stage_Post_3a_Enemy_Turrets