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Release v1.0.5

This release fixes a vanilla infinite contracts screen issue relating to original HBS code and restrictive contracts involving lack of faction selection and system restrictions, and a quick skirmish bug.

For upgrade instructions, see below the changelog.

Tracked by Milestone - v1.0.5

Bug Fixes

  • Contracts: Fixed infinite loading screen when faction and system restrictions conflicted with some contract types and contracts (Thanks a lot for the help Pode, Granner and Quiller with debugging this)
  • Skirmish: Fixed map loading exception when allies dropped with you

Upgrade Instructions

  • If you're using MC without a modpack and none of your own changes, just delete the MC folder and move the new one into your mods folder
  • If you're using MC as part of a modpack, let the modpack authors update MC for you (using the below guide)
  • If you're using MC without a modpack but you've made some of your own changes to the configs, or you're a modpack author:
    • Copy into your Mods/MissionControl folder
      • MissionControl.dll
      • mod.json